Praying Through Infertility – A 90 Day Devotional written by men and women who have faced infertility themselves with various outcomes, this book reminds you that you are not alone and will help set your heart free from fear. Compiled by author, speaker, and broadcaster Sheridan Voysey, with contributions from all the Saltwater and Honey Team.

How to help a friend struggling with childlessness – our most shared page for a reason; simple advice from people who struggle with childlessness themselves that makes a big difference.

What we wish we’d known – you didn’t plan for this life and it can be overwhelming, here are a few things we wish we knew when we entered this life unexpected.

The tent – Saltwater & Honey is possible because of a lady who started ‘The Tent’, a safe group for women struggling with childlessness, this is her story of that group.

Little liturgies – a collection of prayers, poems, words and responses to help express the bittersweet moments of childlessness.

Mother’s Day Runaways – for information about the Mother’s Day Runaways services, including resources to run your own, click here.