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Suffering in the Reality of the Expectation Gap

By On 23 June 2021

When endurance wins, the pathway becomes clear—from suffering to endurance, which
builds character, ending in a hope that does not disappoint—it requires the absence of isolation
(a.k.a., having real community). This is victory.


Is it okay to get angry with God?

By On 18 January 2017

I’m sat before Him, poised, ready to speak. I feel a tiny bit proud of myself, I mean, this is what I should be doing, this is what Christians do isn’t it? I open my mouth expectantly, knowing that after this I should feel better, at least that’s what I’ve heard. I go to speak, longing to find some kind…



By On 16 July 2016

I always knew that Jennifer Aniston and I were similar. Our great hair and comic timing are just a couple of examples. But her recent blog for The Huffington Post confirmed our compatibility. She’s fed up. I’m fed up. Actually, I’m not fed up. I’m sad. I’ve been sad for a little while now. I thought it was the weather…