celebrate with the joyful, shed tears with those who weep. romans 12.15. (photo by Jason A. Samfield, Creative Commons)

Saltwater and Honey has grown out of a group of people coming together in the midst of childlessness and learning to grieve and stay hopeful alongside one another. We have discovered the importance of allowing the presence of both tears and laughter in our lives, and how to share these moments with each other. Inspired by the Jewish Passover tradition of using food and flavours to express the different emotions of life, we have often dipped our fingers into bowls of saltwater and honey in an act of remembering both the tears and joys we have experienced. We have learnt to acknowledge our sadness and not be afraid of it, as well as enjoying sweet times of joy and hope like jewels shining out of the rough. Together, we have carried one another through the sadness and have tried to never lose sight of the hope we have in Christ Jesus, in this life and the next.

We have found that having a place to share our stories has been an incredible privilege and has enabled us to grieve and find new hope. This has removed us from the isolation you can feel when experiencing the loss of a child or struggles with infertility. We hope that Saltwater and Honey can be that place for you.

We have so many plans of what ‘saltwater and honey’ could offer, we just haven’t got around to getting it all sorted. So please watch this space for more blog posts, stories, resources and recipes!